To make permanent our Mission and Founding Principles, we are proud to announce the formation of the “Steamboat Institute Legacy Circle.” Legacy Circle members pledge to include Steamboat Institute in their estate and deferred giving plans.

For more information on making a bequest or legacy gift to the Steamboat Institute, please contact Jennifer Schubert-Akin at or (970) 846-6013.

You can make a commitment to include the Steamboat Institute in your will by sharing this sample bequest language with your attorney:

I give to the Steamboat Institute, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation headquartered in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Federal Tax ID:  26-2096621, the sum of $______ (or ____% of my estate; or the property described herein) for its general purposes.

Legacy Circle

Rick Akin and Jennifer Schubert-Akin

Kristine and William Bensler

Roger and Patricia Burton

Cheri Carsten

Lynda Davis

John and Ruth Denton

Roger and Sandy Dorf

William H. and Susan Friesell

Cathy Grawe

Gary and JoAnne Hofmeister

Irene Johnson

Douglass Loring

Virginia and Richard Srednicki

Joanna and Otis Wragg