SI’s Emerging Leadership Summits are a chance to develop leadership skills and network with fellow freedom-loving young leaders. In past years, our ELC members have spent two inspiring days gathering in Washington, D.C to hear from speakers and participate in workshops building their craft. These rising star young leaders learn media skills, study first principles, practice persuasion techniques and make valuable connections.

Past Leadership Summit Speakers

The Honorable Neil Gorsuch

U.S. Supreme Court Justice

Newt Gingrich

Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

Beverly Hallberg

District Media Group

Kristina Arriaga

Intrinsic, a media consulting firm

Robert L. Woodson

Founder of the Woodson Center

Matthew Spalding

Hillsdale College, Dean of the Van Andel Graduate School Of Government

Jillian Melchior

Editorial board member for The Wall Street Journal