Help Steamboat Institute Make the Case for Freedom!
When people ask me what they can do to fight the speedy creep of socialism and critical race theory… I’m going to tell them to donate to the Steamboat Institute. They aren’t a think tank, they are a battle tank.
Mandy Connell, host of “The Mandy Connell Show” on KOA Radio and iHeartMedia
We know that our nation’s founding principles and a limited government, foster natural rights and are keys to prosperity and a thriving economy. We also know that we face an uphill battle to reinvigorate these ideals on which our nation was founded.
Your gift to Steamboat Institute helps to get out the message of freedom! With your support, we champion limited government free market capitalism, and individual rights and responsibilities.
Help Steamboat Institute win hearts and minds for freedom all across our nation!
More Ways to Give
Gifts of stock or other assets
To make a gift of stock or another asset, please contact Jennifer Schubert-Akin at or (970) 846-6013.
Steamboat Institute’s tax ID is: 26-2096621
Estate and deferred giving plans
To make permanent our mission and founding principles donors may join the Steamboat Institute Legacy Circle. Legacy Circle members pledge to include Steamboat Institute in their estate, deferred giving plans.
For more information on making a bequest or legacy gift to the Steamboat Institute please contact Jennifer Schubert-Akin at or (970) 846-6013.
You can make a commitment to include The Steamboat Institute in your will by sharing this sample bequest language with your attorney:
I give to the Steamboat Institute, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Corporation headquartered in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, Federal Tax ID: 26-2096621, the sum of $______ (or ____% of my estate; or the property described herein) for its general purposes.
Gifts in honor or memory
If you would like to make a gift in honor or memory of someone, please contact Jennifer Schubert-Akin at or (970) 846-6013. We would love to send your honoree a special acknowledgment of your gift!
Endowment for the Future of Liberty
To ensure the continuation of our work in educating and inspiring future generations to defend liberty, Steamboat Institute has established “The Steamboat Institute Endowment for the Future of Liberty.”
How you can support Steamboat Institute’s Endowment for the Future of Liberty:
» Make an unrestricted gift either in one lump sum or with a pledge for gifts to occur over a designated period of time.
» Make a gift to support a specific program.
Recognition for donors to Steamboat Institute’s Endowment for the Future of Liberty includes:
» Invitations to special private events with high-profile leaders in conservative, free market thought and policy
» Special recognition at Annual Freedom Conference
To send a check or donate online, include “Endowment for the Future of Liberty” in the memo or designation line.
Our Initial Goal: Meet the Grant Challenge
In Spring 2024, SI completed the Grant Challenge, raising $318,000 in support for the Endowment for the Future of Liberty.
Our Next Goal: Raise $1,000,000
to build the Endowment for the Future of Liberty and secure Steamboat Institute’s capacity to inspire future generations.
Our Long-term Goal: Raise $6,000,000
(currently three years of operating reserves), to secure Steamboat Institute’s future capacity to influence and inspire future generations to defend freedom.
Employer matching gifts
Did you know that many employers will match your donations, up to a certain level?
Steamboat Institute’s tax ID is: 26-2096621
To coordinate with Steamboat, contact Jennifer Schubert-Akin at or (970) 846-6013.