Charles S. McNeil
Charles S. McNeil has broad experience in the coal, oil and gas, mining and power industries. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mining Engineering from the Colorado School of Mines in 1971 and was honored with the Mines Distinguished Achievement Medal in 1998. At Mines, he is a member of the Foundation Board of Governors, the President’s Council, the Guggenheim Society, and appointed by the Governor to serve on the Board of Trustees.
Since 1993 he has been Chief Executive Officer of NexGen Resources Corporation, a natural resources company he founded, which supplies all of the coal requirements for Xcel Energy’s Texas power plants, provides alternative fuel and clean coal technology commercialization, explores and develops oil and gas resources and provides mine development and operations. NexGen also manages a diverse portfolio of real estate assets it has developed for its own account. Under Mr. McNeil’s leadership, NexGen has been involved in over 15 company start-ups.
Prior to forming his company, Mr. McNeil held Board, CEO, and senior executive positions with Kaiser Steel, Kaiser Oil & Gas, Kaiser Coal, Kaiser Power, Perma Resources and Consol Energy. His experience includes responsibility for planning and operations of major companies, overall profitability of energy and industrial operations, start-up of new oil and gas, mining, and power companies, acquisitions and divestitures, investments in diversified industries and both corporate and project financing.
Mr. McNeil is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Colorado and a member of the Society of Mining Engineers of AIME. He was nominated by the Secretary of Energy to the National Coal Council and is a former director of the National Coal Association and the Colorado Mining Association. He is also a member of the American Coal Council, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Society, American Energy Society, the National Coal Transportation Association, the Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute, the Western Energy Alliance and the Colorado Oil and Gas Association.
He is also active in serving the Denver community as a member of the Board of Trustees and Past President of the Denver Area Boy Scouts, First American State Bank Board, Mountain States Employers Council Board, Craig Hospital Foundation Board, Common Sense Policy Roundtable Board, Cherry Hills Farm Board, Arapahoe House for Substance Abuse Board (honored as 2007 Pillars of the Community), Sewall Childhood Development Center, Kempe Foundation for Abused Children, Children’s Diabetes Foundation (honoree at 2011 Carousel Ball), the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, the 2010 Villager of the Year, and the Denver and National Eagle Scout Association.