Stone Washington
Stone Washington is a Ph.D. student in the Trachtenberg School at George Washington University. He works as a Research Fellow for the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Advancing Capitalism. Stone was recently a Trainee for the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission in the Division of Examinations.
Stone is presently a Frédéric Bastiat Fellow with the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, engaging in research-oriented colloquia centered around the study of political economics. He was named an IHS Fellow with the Institute for Humane Studies in October 2021, where he conducted research on Natural Law Jurisprudence and the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of Natural Rights throughout American history.
Previously, he completed a research assistantship for the Manhattan Institute, assisting with projects in Legal Policy, public sector unions, and higher education. Stone has experience as a graduate teaching assistant in the Clemson University Department of Political Science and as a Practicum Fellow in WAC & WID with Clemson’s Pearce Center for Professional Communications, where he provided guided lessons in writing improvement to graduate and undergraduate students.