Denver Gazette runs SI op-ed on Foreign Policy Summit

December 20, 2023

The Denver Gazette ran an op-ed by Jennifer Schubert-Akin, Steamboat Institute Chairman, CEO, and co-founder, previewing Steamboat Institute’s Global Foreign Policy Summit on January 20 in Steamboat Springs. Register HERE to join the conversation about how America should respond to new threats from Russia, China, and Iran.

Steamboat summit seeks clear, principled foreign policy

Jennifer Schubert-Akin

Long on the back burner of political discussion, foreign policy has become one of the country’s most pressing concerns over the last couple of years. Russia, China, and Iran increasingly threaten global harmony and American national interests. How America responds to these threats will determine global peace and prosperity for decades to come. Steamboat Institute is hosting a Global Foreign Policy Summit on Jan. 20 in Steamboat Springs to help navigate the best path forward to defend American safety and interests in this new, more dangerous world. The event features leading foreign policy experts and thinkers, including Michael R. Pompeo, the 70th U.S. Secretary of State, Dennis Prager, the co-founder of PragerU, Gad Saad, an evolutionary behavioral scientist, Mary Kissel, a former Wall Street Journal editorial board member, and Kelley Currie, a former ambassador at the United Nations. Each participant offers a unique perspective to help identify foreign policy solutions. The summit occurs against a backdrop of increasing threats and decreasing U.S. and NATO military readiness. U.S. munitions stockpiles are depleted. The Army is facing a 25% recruiting shortfall. Army Maj. Gen. Johnny K. Davis recently said the military faces “one of the toughest recruiting landscapes I’ve seen in over 33 years of service.” Meanwhile, Europe has largely abdicated its responsibility of maintaining continental defense. Russia, China, and India all have more potent militaries than the U.K., which has the best military in Europe. Pakistan’s military is now stronger than France’s. The summit will focus on America’s three most pressing security threats, Iran, Russia, and China, as well as the rise in antisemitism on college campuses and throughout the country.
Read the full op-ed in the Denver Gazette HERE

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