Kelsey Harkness Named 2017-2018 Tony Blankley Fellow

August 21, 2017

The Steamboat Institute Announces 2017-2018 Tony Blankley Fellow

Kelsey J. Harkness to be named as 4th recipient of the Tony Blankley Chair for Public Policy and American Exceptionalism—awarded annually to an outstanding young journalist and emerging conservative thought leader

Steamboat Springs, Colorado—Today, The Steamboat Institute is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 Tony Blankley Chair for Public Policy and American Exceptionalism has been awarded to Kelsey J. Harkness, Senior News Producer at The Daily Signal, contributor to The Federalist, and rising conservative leader. Ms. Harkness was selected after a highly competitive national search for the next Blankley Fellow.  She will receive a $10,000 stipend, travel expenses, speaking engagements, public relations/social media support, and extensive networking opportunities. Before joining The Daily Signal, Ms. Harkness was an editor and video producer at the Fox News Channel creating content that put a face onto conservative policy issues—such as free markets, a strong national defense, and school choice. View some examples of her work here and here. Read her full bio here. The fellowship award will be presented at The Steamboat Institute’s 9th Annual Freedom Conference & Festival, August 25-26, in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.  The award presentation will be a part of the Friday evening keynote dinner, where Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, will give the keynote address. Register to attend the conference here.  The event is expected to sell out. “We are thrilled to award this year’s Tony Blankley fellowship to Kelsey Harkness,” said Jennifer Schubert-Akin, CEO of The Steamboat Institute. “Tony Blankley had a unique ability to address conservative policy issues while maintaining a personal connection to his audience.  With Kelsey’s gift for communicating, she will build on Tony’s substantial legacy by communicating conservative policy in a language he appreciated and that all of us can understand – human emotion.” “I’m incredibly humbled and honored by the opportunity to join the Steamboat Institute as the 4th Tony Blankley Chair,” said Kelsey Harkness.  “I deeply admire Mr. Blankley’s ability to communicate often times complex conservative policy solutions with wit, humor, and intellectual rigor, and I look forward to honoring his legacy by working hand-in-hand with the Steamboat Institute in the year ahead.” The Tony Blankley Chair is named for master journalist and conservative commentator, Tony Blankley.  Mr. Blankley was conference moderator for The Steamboat Institute’s first three Freedom Conferences (2009-2011) and was Press Secretary to Newt Gingrich when he was Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.  The Chair was established by The Steamboat Institute after Mr. Blankley passed away in 2012. In addition to awarding the Blankley Fellowship, The Steamboat Institute will be presenting the “Courage in Education” award to Brandon Van Dyck, Assistant Professor of Government and Law at Lafayette College.  Professor Van Dyck is being recognized for his courage and leadership in protecting the free exchange of ideas and promoting diversity of thought on campus. The award will be presented by last year’s recipient, Bruce Benson, President of the University of Colorado. Read Professor Van Dyck’s bio here.

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