Mike Pompeo, Dennis Prager and Top Foreign Policy Experts to address Anti-Semitism and Threats to United States

January 2, 2024

Daniel Flesch, a former paratrooper in the Israel Defense Force, will appear at the Steamboat Institute’s Summit on Foreign Policy and Global Security, January 20, 2024 in Steamboat Springs. He joins former Secretary of State MichaelR. Pompeo, talk radio host Dennis Prager and former Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Kelley Currie in a line-up that will discuss growing threats to the United States, rising anti-Semitism, energy dependence, and military readiness. James Carafano, a foreign policy expert at The Heritage Foundation, will also speak at the summit on U.S. policy toward Russia. “Our goal with this program is to address the growing threat of ‘Axis of Evil’ nations – which are Russia, Iran and China – as well as the alarming rise in anti-semitism sweeping the United States and the globe,” said Steamboat Institute Chairman & CEO Jennifer Schubert-Akin. The summit will be moderated by Mary Kissel, former editorial board member at The Wall Street Journal. Other speakers at the conference include Professor Gad Saad of Concordia University, author of The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense, and foreign policy scholar George Bogden, Steamboat Institute Blankley Fellow. “It is the responsibility of American leadership to make sure our soldiers, sailors and airmen and marines have the resources to conduct missions safely,” Pompeo said recently on FOX News. “I don’t think that is the case at all today. We have lost the fundamental deterrence. Our friends don’t trust us and our enemies insufficiently fear us.” Speakers at the conference will also address recent harassment of Jewish students at the University of Colorado Boulder, harassment of people attending a Jewish National Fund annual conference in Denver, and pro-Palestinian protestors shutting down a recent Denver City Council meeting. “We need serious dialogue on what is fueling these unhinged attacks and what can be done to put an end to it,” said Schubert-Akin.  Specifically, the Summit on Foreign Policy and Global Security will address: The Steamboat Institute was founded in 2008 to promote America’s first principles: limited government, limited taxation and fiscal responsibility, individual rights and responsibilities, free market capitalism, and strong national defense. Steamboat Institute seeks to inspire active involvement in the defense of liberty by hosting debates on college campuses through its Campus Liberty Tour, training young leaders through its Emerging Leaders Council, and hosting an annual Freedom Conference to bring top experts together to discuss critical issues facing our nation. Register to attend here.    width=

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