Don't Miss It! Author Jay Nordlinger in Steamboat & Boulder

October 10, 2015

children-of-monstersThis week, The Steamboat Institute is excited to host National Review senior editor Jay Nordlinger at two events in Colorado. One in Steamboat Springs (details here) and another at the University of Colorado in Boulder (details here). Jay is here to talk about his new book, Children of Monsters. As National Review publisher Jack Fowler said:
Jay is hitting the road, courtesy of the National Review Institute, with fascinating tales and lessons from his acclaimed new book Children of Monsters. His first stop will be in Colorado, where he will be part of an NRI – Steamboat Institute event in Steamboat Springs on Tuesday, October 13th at 5:30 p.m. (at the Strings Music Pavilion). Then on Wednesday, October 14th, Jay will speak on the campus of the University of Colorado, Boulder at 6:00 p.m.
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