SI OP-ED: Bridge Political Divide With More Free Speech

January 26, 2021

Steamboat Institute Chairman and CEO Jennifer Schubert-Akin has an op-ed in the Colorado Springs and Denver Gazette explaining how free speech can bridge political divides. Jennifer explains how free speech unites, not divides, us and criticizes Big Tech’s suppression of free expression. Learn more about how we are making free speech and healthy debate a priority with our Campus Liberty Tour. Read the op-ed HERE

Bridge political divide with more free speech

Increasing political violence, culminating in the recent riots at the U.S. Capitol, demands that Americans of all political persuasions come together to condemn force and reemphasize the importance of civilized discourse and debate. To counteract this growing threat — seen not only at the Capitol but also during the Black Lives Matter riots this summer and the shooting attack on Congressional Republicans in 2017 — we need more speech, not less. Together, we can rise from this low point in American politics. We can usher in a future where logic, persuasion, and rhetoric overcome the factions looking to supplant these ideals with violence, mob rule, and incitement. Read the full op-ed HERE

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