SI OP-ED: Restaurant Closures are the Real “War on Women”

December 16, 2020

Steamboat Institute Chairman and CEO Jennifer Schubert-Akin has an op-ed in today’s Denver Gazette arguing that widespread, government-enforced restaurant closures in response to Covid-19 are the real “war on women.” Jennifer received a letter from a Steamboat restauranteur about how she’s had to lay off 90 percent of her majority-female staff just before the holidays. Read the op-ed HERE.

Restaurant closures in Colorado and beyond — the real ‘war on women’

Jennifer Schubert-Akin | Dec 16, 2020

For years, the mainstream media have claimed that there’s a “war on women.” This conjecture — based on a misleading and largely debunked “gender pay gap” — has always been more rhetoric than reality. Yet, now that there is an actual war on women being waged in the form of government closures of restaurants, which disproportionately employ women, the media is mostly silent. These devastating restaurant stories must be told to encourage government bureaucrats to find a compromise to allow some in-person dining before women’s entrepreneurial dreams and livelihoods are gone for good. Throughout the country, state and local officials have recently banned in-person dining in an effort to reduce COVID-19 transmission. More than 30 Colorado counties have been moved into the “red” restrictions tier, which forbids indoor dining. Continue reading at the Denver Gazette HERE.

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