Steamboat Institute Hosts 9th Annual Freedom Conference

August 31, 2017

Last weekend, the Steamboat Institute hosted its 9th Annual Freedom Conference in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. It featured some of the country’s top public policy leaders discussing its most pressing issues. The keynote speaker was Steve Forbes, who discussed how Republicans can achieve their pro free market agenda. Watch his speech here. James Taranto, editorial features editor at the Wall Street Journal, also delivered a searing speech on the crisis of media authority. Watch his speech here. Rebekah Gregory, Boston bombing survivor and author of Taking My Life Back, gave an inspiring speech about her incredible story of overcoming adversity and taking personal responsibility. Watch her speech here. Kelsey Harkness, senior news producer at The Daily Signal, was named the new Tony Blankley Fellow. You can learn more about Kelsey  here and learn more about the Blankely Fellowship here. You can watch all the panel’s from the weekend’s conference on the recap section of the website. We hope to see you there next year!

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