Steamboat Institute Joins Coalition to Protect Colorado’s TABOR

May 25, 2023

Steamboat Institute joined a coalition of organizations uniting to protect Colrado’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights (TABOR). This pro-taxpayer program is expected to return $2.7 billion to Coloradans in the coming year. Yet the program is under constant attack by the state legislature and special interest groups. Steamboat Institute chairman and CEO, Jennifer Schubert-Akin, has long been a vocal proponent of TABOR. Read her op-ed on the importance of TABOR HERE. Read the press release announcing the coalition HERE. Jennifer Schubert-Akin:

“TABOR helped end years of economic stagnation and laid the groundwork for the state’s future success by keeping resources in the hands of Colorado residents who could put them to their highest valued use and checking over-zealous government spending.”

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