The Cost of Climate Alarmism

March 11, 2022

“The Cost of Climate Alarmism”


Bjorn Lomborg, Ph.D.

President of the Copenhagen Consensus Center Author of False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet

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Dr. Bjorn Lomborg’s key takeaway is the need for climate scientists, activists, and economists to work together to focus on the most innovative solutions for climate change. Lomborg points out that global warming and climate change are real but exaggerated. These exaggerations result in catastrophic consequences, both environmentally and economically. Using data and models for hurricanes, wildfires, and flooding to exemplify these exaggerations, Lomborg points out that climate disaster is on the decline thanks to human adaptation. Climate alarmists conclude future disasters will cost the world trillions of dollars, but those data points assume people will do nothing. Through adaptation, the reality is fewer people will be impacted by climate disasters, and the cost of damages will decrease due to better preparation, technology, and innovation. KEY POINTS

“The cost of Net Zero is the equivalent of passing a “Build Back Better Bill” every year for the next 29 years.”

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